Brain training games:

Brain training game «Spillikins»

Surely you have watched the movie "Home Alone - 2". In it, a nine-year-old boy gets on the wrong plane, because, a little distracted and losing sight of his father, he saw a similar man running in the same direction, and mistook him for his dad ... This is not surprising: the airport, a crowd of strangers … This episode illustrates well the importance of one of the cognitive functions of our brain - the objectivity of perception.

How quickly you can identify a familiar person in a crowd of people, how quickly you will find the item you need on the table, how quickly and accurately you can identify an object in conditions of poor visibility - all of this depends on how well you have developed objectivity of perception.

The object of perception is the ability of a person to reflect the surrounding reality in the form of specific objects or phenomena, highlighting them from the surrounding background. In fact, this is not such a simple process for our brain, but this skill can be developed.

B-trainika offers you to train the objectivity of perception with the help of the online game "Spillikins". Looking at the contours of animals, fish and birds superimposed on each other, try to determine which of them are shown in the picture. The conditions of this exciting game will gradually become more difficult from level to level.

On our site you can develop not only perception, but also memory, attention and thinking. Choose the qualities that you would like to train and register on the B-trainika. We recommend that you pay attention to the special Attention Development Program. It will allow you to train more comprehensively.

Develop with us!