
End User License Agreement
(Public Offer)

1. Main terms

Contractor — IE (Individual Entrepreneur) Kovalenko Vyacheslav Olehoyvch, who is the service provider for the b-trainika.com (Bitrainika) website.

User — the end user of the product, an individual who during registration on the Contractor's website, indicated all the necessary details and accepted the conditions set forth in the license agreement.

Site - Website b-trainika.com

Registration — creation by the User on the site b-trainika.com   personal name (Login) and code (Password) for logging into the system due to the conclusion of this license agreement.

Product - content posted on the Site, provided by the Contractor to the registered User on a free or paid basis.

2. Basic conditions

2.1 This license agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) governs the relationship between B-trainika Ltd. (Contractor) and the User who gets access to the resource b-trainika.com and use the various features provided by this resource.

2.2 By registering on the Site, the user hereby accepts this Agreement. Thus, the fact of registration means that the User is familiar with the text of the Agreement and unconditionally accepts all its conditions.

2.3 The Contractor does not provide and does not aim to provide the User with ownership of the Product. By purchasing the Product, the User acquires a limited right to use it for a certain period of time, solely in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement.

2.4 The User uses the Site or Product at his own risk. The Site and the Product are provided to the User for use "as is". If the User, for any reason, is not satisfied with the Site, the Product or any content available in connection with it, the only measure that he can resort to in this situation is to stop using the Site.

2.5 The Contractor does not give any express or implied warranties, including regarding the suitability of the product, availability, accuracy, conformity of quality to expectations, completeness, effectiveness, suitability for a particular purpose.

2.6 The Product is provided to the User solely for personal use, and should not be used for commercial purposes, as well as for any other purposes prohibited by the laws of the User's country.

2.7 This agreement is in the nature of a public offer, is the equivalent of an oral agreement and has the appropriate legal force in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

3. Payment Terms

3.1 The cost of the Product is determined by the Contractor based on the cost of producing the Product, market conditions and the policy of promoting the Product to the market.

3.2 The Contractor may change the price of the Product at its own discretion or completely stop sales without prior notice and explanation.

3.3 The cost of the Product may vary depending on the currency of payment.

3.4 Payment for the services of the Site is carried out using a valid bank card or another method offered on the Site.

3.5 The User represents and warrants that they are entitled to use a bank card or other appropriate payment method, and that all information provided by the User to the Contractor or the organization processing payments is true and accurate. The Contractor is not responsible for losses incurred in connection with the provision of false or inaccurate information by the User.

3.6 The User agrees to bear all costs associated with the purchase of the Product and the chosen payment method.

3.7 All purchases are final. There is no refund for a completed purchase.

3.8 Payment processing by banks and payment systems may take some time. The Contractor is not responsible for possible losses of the User caused by the duration of the payment processing.

4. User undertakes

4.1 In the process of using the Site, comply with the requirements of this Agreement and the provisions of the current legislation of the country of your residence, and also prevent other persons from complicity in their violation;

4.2 Respect the rights of other individuals or legal entities involved in the process of providing services by the Contractor (including the rights to the results of intellectual activity, privacy and the right to publicity) and avoid violating them.

5. Contractor undertakes

5.1 Do everything possible to ensure the quality and uninterrupted provision of the services declared on the Site to the User;

5.2 Provide the User with access to the Site via the Internet during the term of the Agreement;

5.3 Provide the User with access to the paid resource of the Site within 24 hours from the date of receipt of funds to the account of the Contractor;

5.4 Provide the User with consultations on working days through the feedback form posted on the website or by e-mail (contact email: office@b-trainika.com);

5.5 Do not disclose to third parties the Login and Password received from the User during registration, except as provided by applicable law, a court decision or other legal grounds, and also if the Contractor considers such a measure necessary to ensure the security of the Site or the use of the Product;

5.6 Notify the User of changes in the terms of this Agreement at least three calendar days before the changes take effect by posting information on the Site.

6. The user is not allowed

6.1 Using or attempting to use the Site or part of it, despite the suspension or termination of access to them;

6.2 Transmission through the Site of files containing viruses, spyware, adware or other malicious code;

6.3 Hacking and accessing the Product, as well as any part of it, without the appropriate permission (including accessing password-protected areas);

6.4 Tracking or collecting IP addresses, email addresses, other contact information of Site Users by electronic means or otherwise;

6.5 Restricting or preventing the use of the Site by any person;

6.6 Exploiting or attempting to exploit any vulnerabilities of the Product;

6.7 Transferring a password to third parties to access the Site.

7. Responsibility of the Parties

7.1 For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations under this agreement, the Parties are liable in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

7.2 If, through the fault of the Contractor, the User loses the opportunity to use the services of the Site for more than 24 hours (for example, due to failures in the Contractor's software, replacement of equipment or other work), the Contractor undertakes to extend the time for providing paid services to the User for a period during which the failure occurred.

7.3 If the User violates the terms of this agreement, the Contractor has the right, without prior notice and explanation of reasons, to suspend or terminate the User's access to the Site without refunding the cost of paid services;

7.4 The Contractor is not responsible for:

7.4.1 Inability to service the User for reasons beyond his control, including disruption of communication lines, malfunction of equipment and software that does not belong to the Contractor, actions of intruders, etc.;

7.4.2 For violating the security of the equipment and software of the User used by him to receive services;

7.4.3 For any losses of third parties that have arisen through no fault of the Contractor.

8. Dispute Resolution

8.1 All disputes arising from the execution of this Agreement shall be resolved by the parties through negotiations. If disputes are not settled by the parties through negotiations, they are resolved in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

8.2 Consideration of claims related to the provision of services is carried out subject to the User's request in writing no later than 3 days from the moment the dispute arose. The contractor considers the disputed situation within 14 working days.

9. Refund Policy

9.1 In case of issues with access to the trainers or the site as a whole, which occurred after purchasing the subscription and during its validity period, the User should contact technical support at support@b-trainika.com or via the feedback form on the Site.

9.2 The Contractor undertakes to take all necessary measures to resolve the issue and extend the period of paid services to the User for the duration of the malfunction.

9.3 If the Provider cannot restore the Site’s operation within 14 days (or other terms, as agreed with the User) from the moment the User contacts them, the User is entitled to a refund. In this case, the User is refunded a portion of the subscription fee proportional to the time from the moment of the request to the end of the subscription period. Additionally, 9% of the refund amount is deducted due to the commission associated with payment processing.

9.4 Refunds are not provided in the following cases:

9.5 Refunds are made exclusively to the User’s personal Visa/Mastercard issued by a Ukrainian bank. To receive a refund, the User, after receiving a notification from support about the inability to provide access to the full functionality of the site within the terms specified in clause 9.3 of this Agreement, must send a corresponding request to support@b-trainika.com, indicating the card number for the refund.

10. Other

10.1 The User agrees that the Contractor may send to his e-mail address specified during registration:

10.1.1 Technological messages and notifications necessary for the quality provision of services.

10.1.2 Educational, informational and promotional materials from the company "B-trainika" (The user can at any time refuse to receive such letters by using the unsubscribe link in the letter).

10.2 All official correspondence related to the execution of this Agreement must be sent to the Contractor at the address: 119 Privolnaya street, Mykolaiv, 54039, Ukraine.

11. Duration of the agreement

11.1 The agreement comes into force from the moment of its conclusion and is valid until the parties fulfill their obligations.

12. Contractor details


EDPNOU: 2431901596

Address: 119 Privolnaya street, Mykolaev, 54039, Ukraine.

Email: office@b-trainika.com